Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lets make a change !

POLLITT, KATHA. “After the Taliban.” The Nation 273.20 (2001): 10. General Onefile. Web 7 June 2010.

In this first article, Pollitt Katha talks about how women's rights in Afghanistan. How women have to go to certain meetings such as the national reconciliation talks. They have rights to the political roles. Women in Afghanistan basically run the decisions when it comes to the future. It wasn't like that long ago. It have changed to 20% of women is include women delegates as facilitators in important invents. There are more Afghan women taking leadership roles.

This article is current and really relevant to what I was focused on. This article talks about how this person named Bush who tries to overcome the women rights law. This article is totally about the topic. This relevant to my topic because it talks about the overcoming they are going through right now. There is a website that is called “Women Living Under Muslim” This website talks about the struggles the Muslim women have and still are going through. This article was written in 2001. This article is credible because of the sources. This article was found on the gale data base. This also is credible because I did a little research on the author and she really is a person who strives for what’s right.

Fighting for whats right !


This article talks about how the Afghanistan government did not like the idea of having women take leadership roles. Many people will think this situation as if Afghanistan people think it is okay for just man to dominate, and take on all the leadership roles. This article also talks about how they should give women’s rights, such as being able to walk the streets and having a job. Laura Bush is trying to overcome Muslim laws because she feels as though it isn't far for women. She has a goal to change the Muslims beliefs and convince them that every one should have equal rights. What I thought was interesting was that women couldn't vote. I mad a connection to the old days when women didn't have rights to do anything just like the innocent Afghanistan women.

This article was written in 2010 and is current and relevant to what my topic was about. My topic was about Afghanistan women rights but I was mainly focused on the way men treat women and how the male figures had to tell them what to do and when to do it. I totally disagree whit this topic because I think women have a much success as any men and that we are capable and responsible. Both articles do connect in some sort of way though because they were focused on what they wanted to happen and now they are talking about the success the women in Afghanistan.

This article is also credible because of the information. I checked other internet web sites and I also used the Fenway data base. The Fenway data base is all credible and the authors are actual people.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Women Rule !

A lot people are sexist against women rights. Women in Afghanistan have been victims of a lot of sexist behaviors. They have been brain washed to believe that men have the most power. I think this conflict is unfair. This situation is now getting better( well it's not as bad a it were before) !